
Life-Lessons Craftsmen Learn on the Jobsite

Wednesday, 20 April
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Craftsmen can learn a lot of valuable life lessons on the job site. In a lot of ways, what you experience in the construction industry is a metaphor for life overall. You have clear objectives, resources needed to reach those goals, challenges to overcome in the process, and other people to work with along the way. Let’s explore some of the lessons that are learned or reinforced on the job site that can benefit craftsmen in all areas of their life.

Hard work pays off.

There’s no better feeling than coming home after an exhausting day of work covered in sweat and dirt. It’s a sense of euphoria you only get when giving something all you’ve got. On the job site, there’s a direct correlation between this feeling of accomplishment and the amount of work you put in. Sometimes, the only thing standing in between you and your goal is some elbow grease. Craftsmen don’t shy away from getting down in the trenches when necessary whether that’s on the job site or in other areas of their lives.

Proper preparation prevents poor performance.

The 5 P’s have been a go-to corporate slogan for decades, but it’s not just relevant to people wearing suits to work every day. When craftsmen dive headfirst into a task or project without much forethought, there’s a world of hurt waiting around the corner. Sometimes literally. Over time, craftsmen learn that developing a planning strategy can go a long way in increasing performance and efficiency. And that’s applicable to nearly all things in life.

It’s not about what happens but how you react.

There are too many variables on the job site to have complete control over everything that happens. That’s why craftsmen have to learn to make the most of the hand they’re dealt. All the cursing, fist-shaking, and ground-stomping won’t help you overcome a challenge. Sure, it feels good to get some energy out, but you still have to make the best out of the situation. The ability to make the best out of any situation will benefit you in life where so much is out of your control.

Teamwork makes the dream work.

One of the best parts of being a craftsman is the camaraderie you experience as one of the crew. A unique bond forms among team members on the job site through shared struggles, overcoming challenges, and achieving the project objectives. The ability to engage effectively with others towards a common goal while overcoming unforeseen challenges along the way is a relevant lesson for many areas of life.

Better safe than sorry.

Let’s face it. The construction industry is a challenging line of work that comes with some inherent risks. Although craftsmen can’t eliminate these dangers altogether, they can greatly minimize their chances of getting hurt through proper safety measures. The same is true when it comes to all challenges in life. It’s not always possible to avoid danger, so it’s essential to take some safety measures to mitigate the risk.

Work smarter, not harder.

There’s something to be said about putting your nose to the grindstone, putting your back into it, and working through the struggle. However, that hardcore work ethic has a time and place. Experienced craftsmen know when to use their brains over their brawn too. Taking a few minutes to come up with an innovative solution or work-around when facing an obstacle can save hours of unnecessary toil. This is a lesson that benefits craftsmen on and off the job site.

Actions speak louder than words.

Talk is cheap on the job site. There’s a massive gap between what someone says and what they actually do. After just a little time working in the construction industry, craftsmen understand follow-through is one of the most important characteristics. Showing up and getting the job done is how you build trust and rapport with other people.

Having a tough time finding rewarding construction gigs? You’re in the right place! Madden Craftsmen has been helping talented craftsmen just like you find the best employment opportunities throughout the Northwest. Head to IamMadden.com to see the latest job openings in the area. Not qualified yet? No worries! Check out our comprehensive apprenticeship program to gain all the skills you need for a successful career as a craftsman. Let’s build something!

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