
How to Get Back to the Job Site Quicker After an Injury

Wednesday, 10 January
Work Injury-cm (1)

Getting injured is a pain in the…well, wherever you get hurt. The physical discomfort is only the beginning, though. You have to deal with the boredom of being stuck at home, the challenge of recovery, and the stress of relying on others. Yea, it sucks! Fortunately, there are some steps you can take to get back to the job site quicker after an injury so you can continue doing what you love.

Get plenty of rest.

When feeling 100%, you can steal a few hours from the night to finish a movie, hang out with the family, or put the finishing touches on that DIY project. However, missing shut-eye is a total no-go when you’re injured. Sleep is prime time for recovery. It allows your body to divert all available energy repair damaged parts and fight off illnesses. The recommended 7 to 8 hours a night goes up to 9 to 10 when you’re injured. Getting enough sleep is an absolute must when talking about what it takes to work hard, stay healthy, and live well.

Watch your diet.

Most of your (waking) recovery time will take place on the couch…not a place associated with the best dietary choices. Don’t fall into the trap of assuming you can eat a bunch of junk just because you’re not on the job site. Your body needs the good stuff now more than ever. Eating the right foods can help speed up the rebuilding of damaged tissue, reduce the loss of strength, and keep inflammation to a minimum – all crucial factors for recovering quickly. What are the “right foods”? Whole fruits and vegetables, lean meats, complex carbs, and healthy fats!

Further Reading: Easy Lunches On A Construction Job Site

Keep your brain busy.

Craftsmen are used to spending most of their time engaged in physical activity whether it’s on the job site, in the workshop, around the house, or out in nature. When you run into an injury, there’s a complete 180-degree flip. All of a sudden, you’re alone with your thoughts and not many distractions. Instead of mulling over your injury, find something you can actively work on. That could be expanding your knowledge, researching new gear or tools, or even planning out your career path. Finding any task to keep your brain active can make time go by quicker while reducing anxiety and restlessness.

Don’t force anything.

Admittedly, working smarter and not harder is one of the ways craftsmen fall short. You take pride in your ability to muscle through obstacles. While this hardy attitude goes a long way on the job site, it’s going to have the opposite effect during recovery. There’s no way to force your way to better health. All you can do is follow a clear recovery protocol and hope for the best. At the end of the day, it’s going to take as long as it takes. On the other hand, you know for sure that pushing past your limits will only extend the recovery time.

Follow the doc’s orders.

Following an injury, you’ll receive a series of orders from your doctor which will act as your recovery blueprint. It might include a daily protocol of stretches, medications, supplements, and more. These steps represent the quickest path back to the job site. Any deviation from the guidelines will only set you back. If you feel you’re making a faster comeback than expected, you can always check back in with your doctor to reassess the recovery protocol. Whoever said recovering was easy has clearly never been through the process!

Struggling to bring your craftsman career back to full health? The staffing experts at Madden Craftsmen can help speed up your job recovery process! We’ve been pairing talented and qualified employees with leading industrial employers for decades. Check out our job search to see a list of immediate openings in your area that match your specific skills and goals.

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