
Craftsman Confessions: 5 Ways We Fall Short

Wednesday, 19 April
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Craftsmen have an air of competence, confidence, and capability on and off the job site. When there’s a craftsman around, people are more at ease no matter the situation. People see someone with a hard hat, toolbelt, and high-res vest and think: “Yea, this guy’s got it.” Of course, craftsmen are only human, so there are plenty of ways we fall short of the ideal too.

1.   We work harder instead of smarter.

It’s a craftsmen commandment to work smarter, not harder, but even the most experienced construction experts fall short from time to time. Whether we let our ego take the wheel, attempt to get the job done early, or try to impress the new guy, there are plenty of times when our brains take a back seat to sheer brawn. Sometimes, we’re let off easy with dumb luck or a minor issue. Other times, karma rears its ugly head and dishes up a piping hot plate of humble pie in the form of an injury or serious setback. Every once in a while, it’s a good reminder to always keep our heads on the job site.

2.   We don’t know when to change course.

Craftsmen see every obstacle as an opportunity to scratch their problem-solving itch. It’s in our DNA. Instead of seeing an impenetrable wall, we see a challenge. This is an essential craftsman skill because the construction industry is wrought with setbacks, delays, and issues. However, there is a tiny percentage of truly insurmountable obstacles that require teams to take a step back, rethink their strategy, and attack from a different angle. Often, this problem-solving knack keeps us from realizing when the path we’re currently on isn’t going anywhere which can lead to unnecessary costs.

3.   We get jealous of our neighbor’s garage.

If you thought those sly glances at your neighbor’s garage went unnoticed, think again! We’re all guilty of coveting our neighbor’s immaculate garage which always seems more spacious, newer, and cooler than our own. Sure, that might be true in some cases. But, most of the time, we’re falling for the old trick of thinking the garage is always cleaner on the other side…or something like that. The point is that you’ve got to love what you have and make the best of it.

Further Reading: How to Build the Ultimate Workshop

4.   We’re always looking for the newest tools.

Tools are a craftsman’s best friend. The only problem is newer, sweeter, and more functional tools are being released every day. No matter how loyal and consistent our old tools have been, every craftsman has been guilty of browsing magazines, websites, and store shelves for the latest and greatest pieces of equipment. These aren’t our proudest moments, but a little peaking never hurt anyone, right? At the end of the day, the tools we love the most are the ones sitting in our toolbox right now…until they get replaced by something better.

5.   We blame equipment for our mistakes.

They say a craftsman is only as good as his tools. While there is some truth to the statement, we can’t let our equipment become a catch-all excuse for our shortcomings. Believe it or not, there are times when even the mightiest of craftsmen make a mistake. As hard as it is to admit, it comes with the territory of working on highly complex and sophisticated projects. Whether we’re doing it to protect ourselves or to save face with the team, tools always make a convenient scapegoat even if they’re functioning seamlessly.

Falling short of your professional goals? We can help! At Madden Craftsmen, we specialize in hitching up talented craftsmen with some of the top construction employers in the PNW. We’ve supported the careers of countless craftsmen over the past decade. Check out IamMadden.com for the latest job openings.

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