
Add These Must-Have Winter Tools to Your Arsenal When Battling Snow & Ice

Wednesday, 08 December
Man shoveling deep snow by hand with a red snow shovel-cm

Craftsmen are natural problem-solvers. It’s one of many characteristics you perfect on the job site and bring to other areas of your life. With winter just around the corner, you’re already anticipating all of the problems the unrelenting northwestern climate can dish out. Now is the time to start stocking up your arsenal of tools to put yourself in the best position to battle the incoming snow and ice. Let’s get into it!

Roof rake

Every roof has a breaking point in terms of the weight it can hold. And winter is really the only time this strength is put to the test as every cubic foot of snow weighs a whopping 20 pounds! To keep your roof from incurring expensive damage, invest in a roof rake before the unforgiving northwestern snowfall hits. They’re cheap, easy to use, and keep anyone from having to get up on the roof.

Bent-handle snow shovel

When tackling the regular strafings of snow on your driveway, you’d much prefer to see your snow shovel bent instead of your back. Standard, straight-handle snow shovels place a lot of unnecessary stress on your back, making even the lightest dusting of snow a potential culprit for back pain. Getting your hands on a specially designed bent-handle shovel can protect your back and your driveway. Some studies even suggest this bent-shaft design can reduce the load on your back by 16%!

Ice scraper

In the wintertime, cars seem to have a magnetic attraction to ice. Even the smallest drops of condensation can transform your vehicle into a gian ice cube if the temperatures dip below freezing. Equip yourself with a capable ice scraper so you don’t have to worry about these nasty conditions. Ideally, there’s a brush on it too so you can remove the snow before tackling the ice. It’s a good idea to keep the ice scraper inside your vehicle so you always have it with you whenever the weather decides to play a cruel joke on you.

Sidewalk scraper

Your car isn’t the only place ice can develop to make your day just a little bit harder. Even the thinnest layer of black ice can turn your driveway and sidewalk into hazard zones where even the smallest misstep can put you on your rear end with a painful bruise that takes days to subside. If you miss the strategic, preemptive salt move, don’t count yourself out of the game just yet! With a sidewalk scraper, you can easily get under the ice to pry it up. Make sure to clear it away when you’re doing scraping to prevent it from refreezing.


A snowblower is the juggernaut of your winter tool arsenal. It can blast through any amount of snowfall the punishing northwest climate can bring to your doorstep. Simply fuel it up, kick it on, and let ‘er rip. You’ll be the envy of the neighborhood with a clear driveway and sidewalk no matter the conditions. No other tool allows craftsmen to remove snow so quickly or efficiently which is great when you’re in a pinch on your way to work.

Space heater

Not every space on your property has the luxury of hooking up to a central heating system. And as the harsh winter weather rears its ugly head, it’ll be harder for craftsmen to enjoy their garages and workshops. That’s where a space heater comes in handy. These powerful machines can heat entire rooms within just a few minutes without eating up too much room. Looking for some winter projects to do in your workshop? Check out all of the awesome things you can do with a wooden pallet.

The only thing worse than suffering the biting winter weather without the proper tools is struggling to find a good construction job. If you find yourself searching high and low for rewarding work without any luck, you’re in the right place! At Madden Construction, we’ve been helping local craftsmen land gigs with some of the best construction businesses in the northwest. Visit  IamMadden.com for a regularly updated list of job openings. Not yet qualified? Check out our apprenticeship program where you can develop the skills you need to be competitive in the field.

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