
4 Ways to Improve Your Chances of Getting Hired in the Construction Industry

Wednesday, 10 August
Shot of two young architects standing together and shaking hands after a discussion about the room before they renovate-cm

Many craftsmen are looking for ways to reinvent themselves professionally. Just because there’s a labor shortage in the industry doesn’t mean you won’t have to compete for those coveted top spots. It’s all about making yourself as valuable as possible to potential employees. Of course, there are a few industry secrets that make it easier to land that dream job too. Here, we’re going to take a deep dive to look at some ways craftsmen can improve their chances of getting hired.

Update your resume.

We’re going to go out on a limb here and assume you haven’t touched your resume since your last gig…and maybe even before then. It might seem more like a corporate suit-and-tie kind of thing, but resumes can make a big difference when looking to improve your standing in the construction world. Now is the perfect time to blow off the digital dust and remove the virtual cobwebs. Start off by adding any new experiences you’ve gained including roles, training, or certificates since your last update. While you’re at it, add all the skills you’ve developed. When applying to a specific role, try to tailor your resume to fit what the employer wants. We’re not talking about making stuff up, but just highlighting skills and experience relevant to the job.

Gain a new skill.

Craftsmen bring all kinds of skills to the job. There’s a baseline set of essential skills that anyone in the industry needs to master before even getting hired. Then, you have the more specialized skills which really help set craftsmen apart from each other. These are the kind of abilities employers make hiring decisions based upon. These refined skills can qualify you for a higher position, improved wage, better work environment, and a more satisfying job overall. If you’ve felt a bit stagnant in the roles you’ve been taking, consider adding a new skill to your arsenal to really sweeten up your resume.

Grab some better gear.

Craftsmen understand the importance of having the right gear for the job. Relying on sub-par or outdated equipment puts the quality of the project and your safety at risk. You’re not the type to go shopping often, so there’s a good chance your current gear has seen better days. If your kit is on its last legs, it might be time to start buying some new gear. Construction employers often expect craftsmen to have all the essential gear before even starting the job. Showing up with everything you need to tackle the task at hand will help you stand out while making things easier on yourself.

Work with an expert staffer.

As a craftsman, you’re not just looking for any open position. You’re looking for the right gig. You want something that lines up with your skills, goals, and preferences. Things run so much smoother when you find an employer and role that actually matches what you want. Getting hired in the construction industry might not be the hardest, but it’s increasingly difficult to find the best fit for you. Savvy craftsmen understand the benefits of using an expert staffer to find the perfect gig. These professionals search for the best open positions given your specific criteria. It’s a match made in craftsman heaven!

Having a tough time finding the kind of construction job you want? Look no further! Madden Craftsmen has been pairing talented craftsmen just like you with some of the leading construction employers in the entire northwest. Visit IamMadden.com for a list of the latest job openings in the region. Don’t have the qualifications you need to work in the field yet? No problem! Check out our apprenticeship program where you can gain the experience and skills you need while even having a chance to earn at the same time.

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