
Why More Young People Should Consider a Career in the Construction Industry

Thursday, 19 August
Manual workers talking with an architect while going through housing plans-cm (2)

There aren’t many questions as stress-inducing as the too-often-asked, “What do you want to do with your life?” Young people are bombarded with this question or similar variations by friends, family members, and acquaintances. Too often, high school graduates or college-age individuals feel trapped into choosing a career from a limited set of pre-chosen options. In reality, there are a lot of rewarding jobs that don’t fit the traditional description. Here, we’ll take a look at why more young people should consider a career in the construction industry.

You don’t need a college degree.

Let’s face it. College isn’t for everyone. With rising tuition rates showing no signs of slowing down, the sheer cost of undergraduate education is enough to turn many people away. Contrary to what you might’ve heard, you can still land a rewarding and high-paying position without a college degree. The construction industry has no shortage of competitive job opportunities that only require a GED level of education. You’ll need to undergo some specialized training to earn your qualifications, but some apprenticeships even pay while you learn.

You’ll be working outside.

If sitting behind a desk all day sounds more like a punishment than a job description, you might have a future as a craftsman. In the construction industry, you get to work outside instead of behind cooped up in an office. The work is hands-on and rewarding. You get to participate in impressive projects and see your hard work slowly develop into something tangible and functional. Plus, working outside has been proven to improve happiness and well-being. Work that’s enjoyable and beneficial for your health? Say no more!

There’s plenty of upward mobility.

There are a lot of myths being spread about the construction industry. But one of the most unfounded is an apparent lack of upward mobility. In reality, craftsmen have a clear and easy-to-follow path towards higher-paying and more rewarding careers within the field. As you develop more skills over time, you’ll qualify for better positions with improved compensation. Instead of having to work overtime and overextend yourself to impress a boss, the construction industry offers professionals a straight-forward and merit-based upward mobility – something all young people can appreciate.

The professional culture is unique.

A whopping 43% of employees are willing to quit their job if they judge it to be too competitive. While a little healthy competition can be beneficial for productivity, many young people are disillusioned by the cutthroat nature of some professions. The construction industry is a perfect option for individuals who thrive in collaborative and supportive settings. All of the work is driven by teamwork and communication. Instead of pitting coworkers against each other, the construction industry has the opposite effect. It brings people together and creates a sense of camaraderie as each member of the team comes to depend upon everyone else.

It pays well.

Money is one of the most important factors people consider when choosing their career path. Unfortunately, it’s often assumed that craftsmen don’t earn a competitive salary. This is partially due to the belief that a college degree is the only way to earn a livable wage. But it also speaks to another misconception that construction jobs don’t pay well. In reality, the opposite is true. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average construction worker earned $41,950 on average in 2020. Some studies even indicate that construction apprenticeships lead to higher pay than college degrees.

Whether you’re in between work, looking for a career switch, or hoping to land a promotion, we’ve got you covered. Head over to IamMadden.com to browse through a long list of immediate job openings. For decades, Madden Craftsmen has helped connect eager craftsmen with some of the best construction companies in the area. Not qualified yet? No problem! Consider enrolling in our apprenticeship program where you might even be able to earn while gaining competitive skills.

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