
Follow These Key Steps for Improving Employee Retention

Wednesday, 27 April
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The construction industry suffers from an alarmingly high turnover rate which is well-known among project managers who directly suffer the consequences. More than 1 out of every 5 craftsmen don’t stick around long after being hired. This number is even higher among younger individuals as the turnover rate stands at 64% for employees 24 and younger. The negative effects of poor retention rates are widespread and costly. Project managers who want to build a sturdier, stronger, and more effective team should implement these key steps for improving employee retention.

Standardize hiring and onboarding procedures.

One of the primary culprits of the construction industry’s staggering retention problem is poor hiring practices. Too many construction businesses are still relying on disorganized and inefficient hiring procedures which lead to poorly matched and underprepared recruits. Inevitably, this translates into high turnover rates. Having a standard hiring process ensures construction companies get higher-quality craftsmen that are a perfect match for their needs. At the same time, a refined recruitment process improves productivity and cuts costs. If you don’t have the time to implement robust and standardized hiring practices, you can outsource construction staffing to professionals.

Regularly follow up with new recruits.

The longer new employees remain on the team, the lower their chances of leaving. The majority of the issues that encourage employees to quit arise within the first few weeks and months of employment. Challenges and issues that pop up during the early stages of a new job can make new craftsmen feel like it’s not a good fit. A great way to improve retention is to help new recruits make it past this period of uncertainty by regularly following up with them. You can schedule routine meetings after hiring new employees to see how they’re getting along and address any issues they’re experiencing. The key is to make new employees feel heard and understood so they see early challenges as fixable instead of simply a reason to quit.

Keep an open line of communication with employees.

It’s nearly impossible to anticipate all the reasons a new recruit might consider leaving the company. Although following up with fresh hires is important, you also want to make sure they feel comfortable coming to you. Establishing an open-door policy in your business where all employees can communicate with managers to air grievances, provide feedback, make complaints, or offer advice can help reduce turnover by making craftsmen feel heard and understood. When employees feel like their employer is willing to make a good-faith effort at addressing their problems, they might think twice about quitting when issues occur. Plus, improved communication will even boost job site productivity.

Involve the team in key decisions.

Collaboration is one of the main pillars of running a successful construction business. However, many project managers don’t recognize how improved onsite collaboration can boost employee retention. Communication and connection shouldn’t only happen from the top-down. Employees are less likely to leave a team where they feel their opinions are heard, respected, and taken seriously. On the other hand, new recruits who feel like outsiders won’t be invested enough to stick around. That’s why it’s crucial to make them part of the decision-making process. You can achieve this through collaborative meetings, one-on-one conversations, and an overall culture of camaraderie. Don’t underestimate the value of new team members. They often bring an out-of-the-box perspective that more seasoned craftsmen might not have.

Invest in employee growth and development.

Craftsmen care deeply about their upward mobility. They want to feel as though their work on the job site is creating more opportunities for their future whether that’s within your organization or elsewhere in the industry. When an employee has been in an organization for a long time but doesn’t see any improvement in their skills, knowledge, position, or salary, they are more likely to search for a position with more to offer. Therefore, improving a craftsman’s career opportunities by investing in their growth and development is a great way to reduce turnover rates.

Struggling to find the right craftsmen for your projects? The Madden Craftsmen team can help! For decades, we’ve helped construction businesses in the northwest find the talent they need to succeed. Reach out to us today to learn more about our construction staffing solutions. Let’s build something!

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