There’s a common misconception that safety and health are the same thing, but they truly are not. And in our industry, employers tend to focus more on safety protocols without necessarily focusing on the overall well-being and health of their craftsmen. And, especially in the construction business, those safety rules can directly impact your team’s health. Here’s some areas where you may need to consider adjusting policy to create a balance of both safety and health:
Company Morale
Happiness on a job can largely depend upon the culture and people that we work with. Are they inspired and encouraged to do their best work? Do they feel secure in voicing their opinion? Is it easy for an employee to have a private conversation with their supervisor… or even just some private time to themselves? Look at how you can increase their comfort, inspiration, privacy, and security.
Wellness Program
Consider adding some sort of wellness program or initiative that will promote exercise, healthier eating, and lower tobacco use. You could bring in professionals to run nutrition, stretching, or other wellness workshops in house. Alternatively, there are many paths to outsource these programs online, encouraging your team to do it on their own time.
Regular Breaks
Craftsmen need small periods of time throughout the day to rest their eyes and muscles. Encourage your team to take regular water and stretch breaks. Provide the space and time for them to re-energize. This small and easy adjustment can go a long way to increasing their health and stamina!
Provide The Tools
Give them the tools they need to be healthy on the job. Provide flu-shots onsite, healthy snacks during long work days, and email a newsletter with tips and inspiration. Make everyday wellness easy for them!
Incentivize Them
Reward your team with gift cards or merchandise in some sort of wellness rewards program. They could rack up points for participating in onsite wellness workshops, taking regular breaks, or other healthy behaviors – and then redeem them for the rewards.
Employee Sports Teams
A little competition is a fun motivation to build teamwork and promote movement and exercise. There are many community and business leagues, depending upon your teams’ interest – whether it’s basketball, softball, or even dodgeball! If your company isn’t big enough to form your own team, you could align with other companies to form one together.
Happier healthier employees are going to be more productive, which is likely to save you money too! Plus, it may create an environment that attracts better recruits. If you’re looking for more tips to promote health and wellness, call us at Madden and we can help steer you in the right direction.