
Ways To Show Them You’re The Best Candidate

Wednesday, 15 July

One of the things we hear from our employer clients is that it’s challenging to accurately assess a candidate from resumes and cover letters alone. Even job interviews can be challenging because they’re trying to assess your motivation, personality, skills, goals and strengths and more in a very short time – and you’re feeling motivated .Give ‘em a helping hand by clueing them in about what you bring to the table – as soon as possible!!! Here’s some ways to do just that:


Google Yourself

Construction managers won’t just rely on your resume. They are going to google you, look you up on social media, and review all the information you’ve put on LinkedIn and elsewhere online. And if they have a mutual friend or colleague, they’re likely going to ask them about you. So before you walk into the interview, do the same and look at yourself like they would! If possible, do this before you even apply for a job, so that you can prepare in advance by asking colleagues for LinkedIn recommendations, talk about projects you enjoy on social media… and take down any posts that aren’t favorable too! While you’re at it, do the same for your interviewer too! You might be able to get some great information that you can discuss or ask about in the interview.


Ask About Company Culture

Do research on the company and your potential new supervisor before the interview. Your skills can be applied anywhere, but company culture can make you miserable if it’s not a good match. Ask about how employees are treated, what is valued most, and what kind of personality works well with the team and your potential supervisor. What systems do they use and are there any new technologies that they want to learn and use? Does the team get together outside work, and what kinds of activities do they engage in.


Walk Through A Typical Day

If they ask you a situational question, take advantage of the opportunity to walk through what you do in your current and/or recent jobs on any given day. Include your tasks and experience, but also talk about relationships, how you communicate with the team and clients, whether or not you help the company with procuring new business, and how you handle on-the-job stress. Ask them to tell you the ways that your current opportunity would be different and/or similar, and what kind of candidate is ideal for the position. This will help you to see and verbalize whether or not you’re a good fit!


Meet Up

If possible, ask or offer to meet up with your future construction supervisor outside of the office for a second interview. It’s a great way to show off your personality in an informal setting, and also allows you to see theirs! Ask them questions about the work culture as well as their management style, to get a feeling whether you’re a good fit beyond just qualifications. Even better if they bring some potential future craftsmen teammates – so that you can see if you get along and vibe well together.


Gather Testimonials & References

Many hiring managers will simply ask for a reference from your current or recent supervisor. However, this often doesn’t give them the whole picture of how you help the company. Often your colleagues and/or clients have a better idea of the contribution you can bring to the team! Collect any emails of appreciation that you’ve received, letters of recommendation, and any other testimonials. Ask your craftsmen teammates to write a paragraph or two that talks about what it’s like to work with you and how you’ve added value to the company


Be Honest

It might sound obvious, but being direct and clear is one of the best things you can do, so don’t tell a white lie, even if you think you should because it’s what they want to hear. You might be surprised that what they want and what you want are the same! Maybe you’re able to negotiate a flexible work schedule, more training, or contribute in a bigger way… IF you’re just upfront about what career opportunities you want! And be clear on what your boundaries are as well – whether it’s working on the weekends or anything else that doesn’t jive with you.


And of course our employer clients are excited to have any extra tidbits of your background, experience and personality – so they can make sure you will feel valued and needed. If you need help recruiting and retaining the best of the best, contact Madden Industrial Staffing today! We’ll match workers that have the experience and training you need for your next building project.

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