
Military-Friendly Craftsmen Careers

Wednesday, 30 October

If you’re a vet, you’ll make a great craftsman! And with the labor gap, you’re more likely to get hired. You’re used to working with your hands in the military, and may have already had experience in many of the tasks that these jobs require. Organizations like Helmets to Hardhats connects veterans to construction apprenticeships. And the United Association’s Veterans in Piping (VIP) program can aid in your search. Madden can help too! Here’s some of the jobs and qualities that being in the military will help you prepare for a career in the trades:

Aircraft Mechanic

If you were one of the branches of service that utilized aircraft, your experience could definitely give the upper hand in this high-demand job! But remember that even though many military assignments have given you the exact experience that you need for the job, there are often open positions in the trades that utilized similar duties and skills you used in the service – even if you don’t have an exact job title match.


One of the important requirements of this job is an adherence for safety, which is also bred in the military environment. You’ve been taught to quickly respond in an emergency – which is a really big advantage on construction site, where it can be just as lifesaving as it is on military assignment.

Wind Energy Technician

Veterans know how to think quick on their feet to overcome obstacles and figure out a solution. This is extremely valuable in the position as a Wind Energy Technician. While you may need to attend a wind energy school to get your certification, your problem-solving mindset should make it easy to become a pro at installing, troubleshooting, and repairing one of the world’s best technologies for generating clean, renewable electricity.


Plumbing is more important than most people realize and will likely always be in need for healthy clean water and disposal of waste. Plumbing also makes it possible to cook with a gas stove and delivers clean oxygen to hospital environments! Plus, it pays well and gives a variety of challenges. Your trained perseverance to accomplish a goal in the military will translate well here. Teamwork is also key in this job, and you know how to work together to get an assignment done.

Commercial Diver

From underwater welder to a dive medic technician, there are several positions in commercial dive training. You can even study underwater digital photography along with equipment repair and maintenance, while also learning proper diving procedures and safety practices. Your experience from the military has shown you that multi-discipline talents will help you a achieve a bigger purpose for the organization.

Other positions in the trade that are great for veterans include Auto Mechanic, Solar Energy Technician, Welder, HVAC Technician, Carpenter, and Industrial Maintenance Technician. If you’re a Military Veteran, and are searching for a good job, Madden Industrial Craftsmen wants to help! Increase your chances of getting hired by working with us so we can connect you to the best employers in your field.


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