
Warning Signs Your Construction Business Has a Hiring Issue

Wednesday, 15 June
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Hiring is one of the most challenging aspects of running a construction business. Ironically, it’s also one of the most foundational practices in building a successful, smoothly operating, and profitable organization. As all construction leaders know, there are some inherent challenges and financial expenses associated with recruiting, interviewing, and onboarding new team members.

However, it’s easy for project managers to see all issues in the hiring process as an unavoidable part of the process. Here, we’re going to highlight some warning signs that your construction business might have a hiring issue. The quicker you can address the issue and optimize the hiring of new talent, the more resources you’ll save in the long run.

Recent hires don’t stick around for long.

Hiring craftsmen is an investment. Even before you strike a deal on benefits and salary, you’re still investing valuable time and funds to attract the right candidates. These investments pay off when new hires turn into long-standing, contributing, and vital parts of the overall team. However, that’s not the experience most project managers are having with recent hires.

The construction industry is plagued with an alarmingly high turnover rate of 21.4%. However, you don’t have to wait until things get this bad to start rethinking your hiring practices. Project managers who are struggling to get candidates to stick around for longer than a few months or even a year shouldn’t settle. There are major improvements to be made.

New employees don’t mesh well with the team.

The hiring process extends far beyond signing a new employee. Savvy project managers make the extra effort to assimilate newcomers into the crew long after the paperwork is complete. The construction industry tends to build strong camaraderie amongst craftsmen, but this cohesion might need some nudging from time to time.

If you’re noticing green employees struggling to keep up with their responsibilities or communicate effectively with other team members, you might have an onboarding issue. Project managers should have a robust onboarding phase following the hiring process where new employees are clearly explained their role, introduced to the team, and provided with the ongoing resources and support they need to succeed.

You can’t seem to find the right talent.

After a few rounds of hiring, project managers understand the clear distinction between a candidate that can do the job and a candidate who’s right for the job. Degrees, qualifications, and work history are all important, but there are intangible factors that can make the difference between a hire that will just get by and one that will become a crucial, long-term member of the team.

But, how do you reliably find the latter? It’s a combination of knowing where to look and how to attract the precise candidates you want. Unfortunately, most construction businesses are relying on outdated and ineffective hiring practices which continue to yield less-than-ideal results. If you’re consistently settling for sub-par candidates, your hiring practices might need an overhaul.

What’s the answer?

There are a wide variety of symptoms that point to a hiring issue within a construction business. High turnover rates, poor talent, disjointed hiring practices, and other problems are just the effects of a fundamental cause: Project managers have a tough time finding the time, energy, and expertise needed to develop and maintain a robust hiring process. That’s where staffing experts can help.

These professionals handle a construction company’s entire hiring and onboarding responsibilities. They use proven strategies, advanced techniques, and personalized features to deliver the best-fitting craftsmen talent based on your specific needs. This way, you can get the right people for the job while freeing up more time and energy to focus on actually running your business. It’s a win-win!

If you’re finding and keeping the construction talent you need, you’re in the right place! Madden Craftsmen is a leading construction staffing specialist with decades of experience helping project managers in the northwest find the craftsmen they need to succeed. Contact us today to learn how our construction staffing solutions can help you succeed.

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