Military members face no shortage of danger, challenges, and struggles when putting their lives in the line to serve our country. However, these obstacles don’t stop when veterans transition back to civilian life. In fact, returning to “normal life” is fraught with its own issues.
The stark contrast between being an active service member and a normal civilian can have a shocking effect on transitioning veterans. One of the toughest parts of this process is finding a job.
Veterans spend years developing a specific set of skills and knowledge only to realize that most jobs on the market aren’t a good fit. That’s where the construction industry stands out. Here are some reasons veterans make excellent craftsmen.
Leadership skills
There’s an undeniable sense of camaraderie among craftsmen, but that doesn’t eliminate the evident hierarchy. There’s a strict chain of command which every team member must respect to keep things running smoothly. It’s not about bossing other people around but rather acknowledging the specific skills and knowledge people have to make the job go as successfully as possible. While some people turn their noses up at this hierarchy, military veterans understand the importance of leadership and have the skills to back it up.
Mission-oriented thinking
There’s a massive gap between the battlefield and the job site, but service members and craftsmen take a similar approach to their respective roles. Both professionals have a mission-oriented strategy, putting all their focus and energy on achieving a particular goal before moving on to the next objective. Instead of bouncing between a million different things, veterans know what it takes to focus all their attention and energy on a singular goal. This is the kind of mentality needed to tackle massive construction projects in a reliable and consistent manner.
Familiarity with structure
Veterans are no stranger to rigid structures. In fact, many former military members feel a bit out of place without it. This is another characteristic that makes the construction industry a perfect match for service members. Construction businesses operate with a definitive structure where every craftsman knows exactly what they need to do and when it needs to get completed. Everyone has a purpose, place, and position on the job site, making it an environment in which veterans can flourish.
Further Reading: Why the Construction Industry is an Ideal Career Path for Veterans
Problem-solving skills
Obstacles are inevitable on the battlefield. That makes problem-solving a matter of life and death for military members. The stakes aren’t nearly as high on the job site, but there’s no shortage of challenges threatening to derail a project. Veterans have the ability to stay calm and collected under pressure while devising a new strategy on the fly to get the job done. This translates perfectly to the construction industry where craftsmen need to have elite problem-solving skills to navigate the colossal challenges that seem unavoidable at times.
Strong work ethic
Service members are respected for their grit, toughness, and discipline. The military trains individuals to erase the idea of failure from their minds completely. If there’s a task that needs to get completed, there’s nothing stopping a service member from seeing it through. The demanding nature of the construction industry requires a similar level of strong work ethic which makes veterans perfect candidates for this line of work. Working in the construction industry is something veterans can be proud of.
Physically fit
There’s a particular type of person who views a standard desk job as pure torture. Military members and craftsmen certainly fall into this category. The military demands a high level of physical fitness including strength, flexibility, and endurance. The construction industry isn’t a far cry when compared to much more sedentary jobs. Craftsmen stay on their feet most of the day, use heavy machinery and large equipment, and work long hours. It’s not for everyone, but neither is the military.
Struggling to find an ideal construction gig? The staffing experts at Madden Craftsmen can help! We’ve helped countless talented craftsmen just like you find fantastic roles with some of the best construction employers in the northwest. Visit to see immediate job openings.