
5 Great Summer Tool Hacks


There’s a ton of great ways to use your tools creatively! Thank goodness, because sometimes you need to modify a tool or use it in the way it wasn’t exactly intended in order to get the job done. Here’s some of our favorite ways to cleverly use your tools this summer:

Hole in the Ground

Need to stick a pole or marker in the dirt, but the dry summer heat has the ground so hard you can’t get it in? Use a drill! As you know, there are a variety of lengths and drill widths, and getting the bit you need at the hardware store will probably cost you less than 15 bucks.

Custom Paint Rollers

Summertime is one of the most popular times to get paint projects done here in the Pacific Northwest, and sometimes even those mini rollers aren’t quite small enough to get into tight areas! So use a saw to cut through a longer roller to the exact length you need, and then stick it on the end of a smaller 3-inch roller handle frame. Voila, now you can cover the area smoother and quicker than a paintbrush!

PVC Pipe Movers

If you’re moving anything big and awkward across the yard, you’ll love this hack. This is especially helpful when you’re putting in a new patio with big rocks or stone pavers, or moving hot tubs or tool shed into the back of the yard. You’ll need three 4” diameter PVC pipes that are slightly longer than the width of whatever you’re moving. Then pry the edge of whatever you’re moving on top of the first pipe, and move it forward until you can get the 2nd and 3rd pipes under. Then roll it forward towards its destination and when the back pipe pops out, just move it to the front. Continue this process until you’ve moved it where you want. This hack obviously won’t work for steep slopes, you’ll need a different hack for that!

Rust Cleaner

Metal tools gone unused will often get rusty out in the garage. If you’ve got a wrench, garden trowel, or hammerhead that you find caked dirt or rust on after a long winter’s’ nap, let it soak overnight in some vinegar, and then give it a little scrub in the morning for a shiny finish.

Rake Mixer

Next time you have to mix concrete, try using a rake instead of a hoe or shovel. The prongs of the rake will mix through better and cause less splashing. Use a tub instead of a bucket too, and the water will mix in better and you’ll spend less time just pushing dry concrete powder around before it sinks in.


Whether you prefer a temporary or permanent placement, we can help you get the right position with good pay and benefits too! If you’re interested in a job, or our registered apprenticeship program, call us at Madden today. We’re always looking for talented craftsmen like you.

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