
5 Unusual Places For A Home Workshop

Wednesday, 11 March

Most of the craftsmen we work with would love to have their own personal home workshop for their personal projects – especially if you’re serious about your craft! But, if you’re short on space, you may need to come up with some creative solutions so that you can build something when you’re feeling antsy with some free time on your hands.  Here are a few options that are worth considering:



You might be surprised how much space there is in a closet, and the cool thing is that you can shut the door on all the mess when you’ve got company over. Put in a narrow desk table as your workbench, and put up a pegboard for all your tools. You can often fit a standard red tool cabinet right in a closet too!

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An old dresser with a wide hardwood top is a great place for a workshop almost anywhere in your house. We suggest you choose a dresser with a wide top – so that you have a great work bench! And pick one with big drawers so you have plenty of places to store all your equipment and gear. You could keep it looking like a fancy dresser if you want the workshop to be inconspicuous, or take off all the doors and completely rework it for your tools.

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Curtain Divider

Chances are that you have a corner or extra wide room somewhere that you can carve out an area for a mounted workbench against the wall, with some places underneath and above to put shelves or pegboard in for your tools. Hang up curtains on the width of the space to create a fabric wall that can be opened easily when you feel like working.

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Sliding Mirror Doors

This is the same concept as the curtain divider, however it’s not quite as flexible because you’re essentially needing a fixed space, such as the back of a room, where you can fix the doors to create an enclosed workstation. This solution is perfect for a bedroom, especially if you already need a full-length mirror somewhere anyways! There are several options for non-mirrored sliding doors too, if that fits your space better.

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Cellar or Basement

If there’s a corner or room in your cellar or basement, it’s one of the more ideal spots for a workshop because it’s usually secluded and all that sawdust and dirt can be contained. If yours is damp, however, consider ways to control the humidity because the extra moisture in the air isn’t great for your tools.

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Don’t forget to consider the light and ventilation no matter what space you choose, and always remember to take safety precautions. If you’re looking for a position where you can apply your wood carpentry skills outside of the home, call Madden! We’re always looking for talented craftsmen like you.


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