
Project Profits: How to Increase Your Construction Businesses Income

Wednesday, 31 January
Architectural blueprint with safety helmet and tools on blur dollar money background-cm

You’ve got a lot of goals as the leader of a construction business. But, let’s be honest, profits sit at the top of the priority pyramid. And rightfully so! Every other objective within the company is dependent upon a steady, consistent, and ever-increasing amount of income. That last part is, by far, the hardest to achieve. However, with the right strategies in place, you can see your construction business’s income grow steadily and reliably over time.

Nail your project estimates.

Cost estimation has an outsized impact on a construction business’s profitability. If you undershoot the real cost of a project, you’re stuck with a cash-draining job. On the other hand, overshooting the mark might prevent you from landing a potential bid. Accurate projections allow for informed financial decisions and prevent costly mistakes. Start by thoroughly reviewing a project’s demands to understand the full scope of work. Next, break down the project into separate parts for easier estimates. Make a list of all relevant variables, and reference any available data you can obtain.

Walk away from low-paying projects.

Project managers often feel the pressure to land every construction project that crosses their path. In reality, there are plenty of reasons you should be picky about the clients you choose. And profit potential is at the top of the list. Trying to accommodate low-paying clients is a losing battle that could result in lower-quality work, decreased safety standards, and a damaged reputation. When presented with a potential project, consider how it falls into your business’s long-term trajectory rather than in the immediate future. Don’t fall victim to FOMO. Your company is better off financially (and in a lot of other ways!) by focusing on better-paying clients.

Outsource your hiring for better recruits.

The newest report from the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) puts the cost of each hire at $4,700. This number could even be higher if you’re recruiting for highly specialized roles. Any way you slice it, hiring represents a massive part of your overall operational costs. This leaves absolutely no room for mistakes when trying to optimize profits. Don’t make the mistake of assuming doing more work yourself will cut expenses. In fact, outsourcing your hiring demands is the most effective way to reduce labor costs while increasing your team’s quality.

Stay ahead of the trends.

The construction industry is constantly evolving to overcome new challenges and meet new client demands. Staying on top of these trends is vital for optimizing your construction business’s income. Embracing the right changes positions your company as the most efficient, competent, and cost-effective provider available. Of course, there are some temporary fads that are a waste of time and energy. You’ll need to pinpoint which up-and-coming technologies or strategies would offer a fiscal boost to your business before investing in the change.

Here are some current trends you might consider adopting:

Perfect your bookkeeping.

Optimizing profits isn’t just about bringing in as much money as possible. It’s also about holding on to as much as you can. Managing cash flow in the construction industry is especially important since projects require so much upfront investment. That’s where accurate and extensive bookkeeping comes into play. Keeping track of your business’s transactions gives you a clear idea of where money is going and how much is spent. This oversight gives project leaders the ability to easily identify and fix leaks before too much money is lost.

Set clear, measurable goals.

Every construction business wants to optimize profits. But, what does that really mean on the ground? Well, it depends on where your company is and where it wants to go. One business might need to focus on improving income while another may need to focus on reducing costs. Still, another might benefit from improving productivity. All of these objectives contribute toward profit optimization but require different approaches. Once you determine weak points within your business, you can set specific and achievable goals and design a strategy around them.

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