
5 Little-Known Advantages Of Hiring Vets

Monday, 02 October
USA military and civil man shaking hands Art 1 L comp

If you’ve ever worked with a Military Veteran, you probably know some of the inherent skills that they bring to the workplace. Soft skills like trust, dependability, and integrity are commonly understood to be shared by vets because of the structured environment and training they receive. However, there are some other amazing advantages that you may not realize! Here are five of them that are not as well known:

Tax credit:

You can get tax credits for hiring vets, if they qualify by falling under certain required categories. Talk to your accountant or see sba.gov for more info. The government also offers assistance to Veterans for higher education, and if you’re able to encourage this with job incentives, you’re also hiring someone who’s improving their skills as well.


High aptitude for new technology:

The military uses some of the most advanced technology in their various missions, and they’ve learned how to use and apply it quickly.


Openly Critical:

Veterans are accustomed to giving open feedback and suggestions of how to improve. They’re not afraid to tell you when they think something isn’t working, without holding back due to office politics or other cultural influence that many corporate workers are familiar with. The military teaches them to solve problems, so that’s their mentality.


Ability to lead AND follow:

In the military, they’re trained to be a team player as well as how to lead a team. When they’re on the battlefield, their life depends upon following through on hierarchy system, so they know how to do both without question or personal issues clouding their behaviors and response.



Employers often don’t think of intuition as a skill, but it is! Making a gut decision, and sticking with it, is something that the military culture breeds because it’s crucial in emergency situations. Veterans know how to quickly assess multiple sources of input and information to make a decision that will move your organization forward.

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