
What To Do When Construction Business Is Slow

Wednesday, 23 December
New building,new began-cm

There’s usually less construction work to do during the colder months. Even when you have a building project scheduled during this slow season, it can be derailed when we’re hit by ice, snow, or harsh cold, wind and temperatures. Add COVID to the mix, and it becomes more difficult to project whether our construction will be further delayed! We’ve all learned that it could happen again just when we least expect – whether there’s a pandemic or something else that interrupts business as usual. So what is the best way to handle it all? Here’s some suggestions to stir up some revenue and use the time to your best advantage:


Review Your Business Operations

Slow seasons are always a great time to look at your business strengths and weaknesses. What’s been working well, or giving your business more opportunity? What areas could use some improvement? Is there new tech, software, or systems that might make you more efficient? Perhaps you could adjust your accounting, proposals, or staffing and project management systems to get better ROI. At the very least, you might


Expand Your Offerings

Now’s a great time to research and evaluate what might increase your capabilities and/or add to your bottom line. Look at new equipment or tools, and how they might allow you to work on projects in the future that you weren’t able to bid on before. Examine whether you need to hire more craftsmen that have talents that you don’t have on your current team. Madden Industrial Craftsmen is always a great resource to help you find the right people for your


Increase Sales & Marketing Efforts

Make more sales calls and give more proposals. Spend time with your best clients and thank them for their business. Update your website and work on your social media presence. Now is not the time to cut back on marketing budgets either! Research shows that a recession is one of the best times to implement an advertising campaign or content strategy. That’s because prices have dropped and competition is much lower, so you’ll have a bigger reach and larger share of voice!  And don’t forget to review your whole sales process and how it intersects with your marketing efforts too.


Do More Work Indoors

If cold weather is a big factor in decreasing business revenue, you may want to consider options to work indoors. Your craftsmen will be more protected from the elements when they’re doing more remodeling work or repairs on existing buildings. Modular and prefab construction systems can increase the work done indoors – and it’s been shown to improve productivity, quality and scheduling as compared to traditional construction.


Clean Up Your Office and Equipment

Get all of your tools and office cleaned up, organized, and in good shape for upcoming work. Evaluate what might need to be replaced or expanded upon. Do your research and consider the price to the value.  Even better if it has multiple applications that can expand your repertoire. And don’t forget that there are great auction sites, resale offers, and craftsmen selling used equipment online – you don’t always have to buy new to get the best quality gear.


Increase Safety Protocols & Training

Revisit your safety requirements and checklists and update them to make sure that you and your craftsmen are doing everything possible to be safe on the job. Most of us have already made some big adjustments to sanitation due to COVID, which has also led to more safe work environments. Review those again, as the guidelines are constantly changing as we are learning more and more about the risks of contracting the disease. Most importantly, make sure to train all your staff so they’re fully prepared and aware!


The shortage of labor and previously delayed projects due to COVID may actually increase demand for construction when it’s usually slow. Whether it’s slow or busy for you this season, give Madden Industrial Craftsmen a call if you’re on the lookout for craftsmen who can help you! We’re here to help you get the best talent in the trades.


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