
What Do I Do with This 1095-C Form?

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If you worked for a company with more than 50 full-time equivalent employees, even if it was only part-time work, temporary work or contract work, chances are you will receive a 1095-C form early next year. This form is part of the new Affordable Care Act requirements, and your employer may be required to send you one. If you do receive a 1095-C, file it away in a safe place. You may need it come tax time.

What is on a 1095-C?

A 1095-C is proof that insurance was or was not made available by your employer, as well as a record of your eligibility to participate. The 1095-C lists:

  • Your name and the employer’s name.
  • The months of the year you were eligible for insurance coverage through the employer.
  • The cost for the least-expensive plan available to you through the employer.

What is not on a 1095-C?

The 1095-C does not list any specific information about your actual insurance coverage. If you participated in an insurance plan this year, you will receive a separate form, the 1095-B, typically from your insurance company. This form provides information about when you held insurance coverage and who in your family was covered under that plan.

What should I do with my 1095-C?

Keep the form for your records and provide it to your tax preparer. If you prepare your own taxes, you may need to refer to it when filling out the sections pertaining to the Affordable Care Act.

Chances are you will not need the information on your 1095-C when preparing your taxes, but it may be necessary if:

  • You took advantage of an advance premium tax credit, or you plan to take a tax credit for your insurance.
  • There was a gap in your insurance coverage of more than three months.

What if I don’t receive this form?

You should only receive a 1095-C if your employer is large enough that filing these forms is required. If you worked for more than one company this year, it is also possible you will receive more than one 1095-C, but not guaranteed.

You should receive your 1095-C by January 31, but if you are filing your taxes and have not received it yet, don’t worry. Simply fill out the information regarding your insurance coverage from other records, such as your employer’s open enrollment material, your health insurance website, or by contacting your employer’s HR department. You do not need to submit the 1095-C form with your tax return.

Once you receive your 1095-C, double-check all the information on it and verify that it is accurate. If not, contact your HR department.

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