
New Trends for Smart Homes & Buildings

Wednesday, 17 April

Recent innovations and use of data has done a lot to make construction more efficient. New technologies like modular building, augmented reality, robots, drones, and artificial intelligence have helped to inspire new construction methods, many of which have resulted in energy savings as well! Here are some of the newest smart home solutions trending, that you might be able to incorporate into your next energy efficient building project:

Living Roof

It’s likely that, in the future, more homes will have grass roofs, and many more skyscrapers will host vertical forests. Depending upon the size of the building, grass, shrubs, or trees can be planted on top and make a huge impact on air pollution with their greenery. They also are natural insulators, saving money on heat and air conditioning too.


Utility Solutions

Solar energy and wind turbines are nothing new to us now, but there are other new innovations such as underground waste chutes that improve and encourage recycling or digitally enhanced HVAC systems that keep a building running much more efficiently.


Bamboo Buildings

Entire cities are being built with bamboo because it grows so prolifically, and releases 35% more oxygen than trees! Bamboo is also 3x stronger than steel beams at similar weight, so it’s very practical as well.


Smart Home Devices

Besides voice-activated control systems like Google’s Alexa, there are many other new innovations such as smart refrigerators with push notifications and even 3D food printers that seem a lot like the ones we watched on Star Trek!


Cities around the world are beginning to demand and even need sustainable materials and techniques, which means construction businesses like you should consider these and other new options. If you’re looking to hire craftsmen for your next smart building project, give Madden Industrial Staffing a call!

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