
Are Your Construction Workers Fearful of Leadership?

Tuesday, 08 March
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A little fear is a good thing. You want employees who perform their best, and fear of underperforming is a great motivator. But too much fear can do more harm than good. You don’t have time to hold your employees’ hands through every task, or constantly be telling them what to do next.

The job of leadership is to create a work site where employees are confident in their abilities, take initiative, and trust their own instinct — but are also comfortable coming to you when they have questions. So how do you foster that type of work environment?

1. Promote an open line of communication. The most important element of trust is communication. If you talk openly with your employees, they will be open with you. This doesn’t mean gossiping or complaining. Just be clear with them about your expectations, concerns, and any issues that may arise. Your employees will appreciate the honesty and reciprocate.
2. Provide adequate training. Employees who receive proper training will feel more at ease on the work site. Even temporary employees need guidance on your site’s specific guidelines and expectations. Without that training, employees will either ask too many questions or avoid asking any for fear that they’re doing something wrong.
3. Praise good work. Positive feedback can help build your employees’ trust in leadership and in themselves. When someone takes initiative and it turns out well, let everyone know. The more praise your team gets, the more they’ll respect you and trust their own instincts.
4. Reward the group. Rewarding an employee for excellent work is a great way to promote individual high performance. If you offer a reward to that employee’s entire team—even something as simple as pizza for lunch—you promote a sense of team support and encourage employees to rely on each other.
5. Offer constructive feedback. Constructive feedback should never be judgmental or disciplinary. Frame your suggestions as ways to make the work easier or more effective, based on your knowledge of the site, client, or the team.
6. Take a step back. Managers that hover are intimidating. If you scrutinize every move your employees make, they will lose confidence in their ability to perform to your standards. Instead, take a step back and prove that you trust them to do the job right.

If you’re hiring new construction employees, start building that trust before they even get to the work site. Your Madden Staffing Solution Specialist can help you set the right expectations with all of your new and temporary craftsmen.

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